
Please note that the latest version of the Android app is causing issues when downloaded. Please contact support if you wish to report issues.

InspireD App Screen

About the InspireD Project

Dr. Claire McAuley talks about the InspireD project.

Why Reminiscence?

People living with dementia who have problems with their short-term memory often find it easier to remember things about their past. Reminiscence draws on this strength by supporting people to share their life experiences, memories and stories and in doing so to maintain or build connections with other people.

Research has shown that reminiscence can improve mood, wellbeing, quality of life and relationships for people living with dementia.

How does InspireD work?

This helpful video explains what the InspireD app is.

People using the InspireD App

This helpful video explains the impact that app has on people using the app.

How to use the Inspired App

How to set up the Inspired App

Just got the app? This video takes you through how to get setup.

How to use features on the Inspired App

Davey from Dementia NI takes us through how to use the InspireD App.

What are you waiting for?

That's right, what are you waiting for? You've come this far, read all the way to the bottom of the page. The only thing left to do is to get yourself over to the App Store and download InspireD today...

download on apple app play store download on google play store

Contact Us

If you wish to know more about the project please contact us at:


Copyright InspireD/Ulster University 2020
A HSCB-supported research project by Ulster University and Dementia NI

Ulster University Dementia NI